What is Leadership Jefferson City?
Leadership Jefferson City is an innovative leadership training and community awareness program developed by leaders of the Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce. The program has been in existence since 1988. The program is designed to identify and motivate emerging leaders, and to develop their potential for community leadership roles by exposing them to the opportunities, realities and challenges of our community.
Sessions are strategically designed to provide participants with an increased knowledge and insight into the many functions and realities of life in our community. Session formats vary, but include such things as lively panel discussions, interesting field trips, knowledgeable speakers and group interaction.
Leadership Jefferson City was developed to meet the following objectives:
- Provide leadership development training and help participants develop an understanding of their leadership style.
- Provide valuable and interesting information about Jefferson City and the surrounding area.
- Create unique opportunities for dialogue and rapport between the participants and community leaders.
- Stimulate and increase the level of commitment and participation in the community.
- Build solid relationships among class members for working together on present and future community projects.
Who participates in Leadership Jefferson City?
Individuals who have a genuine interest in community leadership and who desire to increase their own levels of involvement in community leadership roles are encouraged to apply. A Leadership Jefferson City participant or their employer must be a member of the Chamber. Applicants for Leadership Jefferson City are sought from all segments of the community. Applicants must have the support and commitment of his/her business or organization and should possess the personal commitment to 100% attendance of the 11 sessions.
A maximum of 30 individuals will be provided the opportunity to participate in Leadership Jefferson City. In order to assure a diversify group, one Chamber-member participant from a business or organization may participate during the same year.
Attendance Policy
Applicants are expected to attend all eleven sessions. Excused absences may be allowed for business obligations and personal emergencies. Such absences must be reported to the Chamber's LJC Program staff prior to the session. Participants who fail to attend a minimum of 9 of the 11 sessions may be subject to removal from the program. If you cannot commit this year, please consider applying for a future session.
Class Project
As a requirement for graduation, class members must execute a class project that will benefit the community. In recent years, that project, Battle of the Brews, has contributed thousands to local charitable organizations.
**To apply for the Leadership Jefferson City Class of 2025, please complete the following questions.
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Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce
213 Adams St., Jefferson City, MO
(573) 634-3616